Senegalese Writer Criticizes Colonial Education in New Book


Dakar, Senegal – the release of “The French School: The Weapon of Mass Destruction” has sparked significant discussion around the themes of education and colonial influence in Africa. The book, penned by Senegalese writer Ndiaye Bocar Niang, argues that the educational system, heavily influenced by colonial history, has systematically distanced Africans from their cultural roots and languages.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Niang’s critique focuses on the disconnection between traditional African knowledge and the Westernized educational models that have been prevalent across the continent. The author asserts that this form of education promotes assimilation into Western ways of thinking at the expense of indigenous innovation and autonomy.

The book further discusses the role of language in education, advocating for the inclusion of African languages to foster a deeper connection with indigenous culture and encourage independent and critical thinking. Niang also addresses the role of African teachers and intellectuals, emphasizing the need for them to transmit indigenous knowledge and values, despite often receiving training that adheres closely to Western models.

Niang, a 30-year-old entrepreneur, explains that his experiences in a French school inspired him to write his first book. He hopes that his work will encourage a reevaluation of African history and promote a sense of pride and practical wisdom among readers. “The French School: The Weapon of Mass Destruction” was officially released on May 11, 2024, spans 163 pages, and is published by LEA Service.