Secretary Antony J. Blinken with Senegalese Foreign Minister Aïssata Tall Sall Before Their Meeting


SECRETARY BLINKEN: (Via translation.) Thank you very much. I want to say that I am very pleased to be here in Senegal, and I am also very pleased that we are here working together.
Our presidents set a significant agenda, and I am convinced that by working together over the coming months, we will be able to achieve results and strengthen even more the relationship between the United States and Senegal.
I have to say, when we consider the challenges facing us, facing our people, facing the world, Africa is essential. Not only do we have the desire, but we have the need to work as partners. Together, we are facing the COVID-19 pandemic and working together to build a stronger system to prevent the next pandemic. Together, we are facing the climate challenge. Together, we are [inaudible] after COVID-19 to build a global economy that is inclusive, growing, and will benefit everyone.
The United States and Senegal are also working together as partners to support and strengthen democracy in Africa and around the world since democracies experience challenges. Countries like Senegal and the United States together can show the way. After all, in about twenty-five years, one in four people on the planet will be African. It is time to renew this global partnership, and indeed that starts with a close partner like Senegal. Many issues have been raised [inaudible] about working together on security, law, and the Build Back Better approach. All of this is in a spirit of strengthening and renewing our ties as partners. Once again, I am very pleased to be here and thank you for this extraordinary welcome to Senegal.

Source: US State Department


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