Sebba Youth Enjoy Recreational Day Organized by AMR

SEBBA: The Rural World Association (AMR) hosted a communal recreational day for the youth of Sebba in Yagha province on May 20, 2024. The event included a barbecue, a football match, a recital, and a sketch.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the activities were designed to promote social cohesion among young indigenous people, internally displaced persons (IDPs), the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), and volunteers for the homeland (VDP). The Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS) assisted in organizing the event. The day featured a tea debate around the barbecue, discussing topics such as improving relations between FDS, IDPs, and local youth, and enhancing living and working conditions in Sebba.

In the afternoon, a football match between a PDI team and a local team ended in a friendly 0-0 draw. Students from School A performed a recital and a skit on social cohesion, which was well-received by the audience. Amadou Bokoum, the first vice-president of the special delegation of the commune, expressed satisfaction with the event and thanked the AMR, FDS, and VDP for their participation.

The AMR, established in 1994 and officially recognized in 1996, operates as an apolitical civil society organization in ten regions of Burkina Faso, including the Sahel. The PCRSS, funded by the World Bank, aims to support the recovery of communities in the Liptako-Gourma region through integrated socio-economic services, infrastructure, livelihoods, and territorial development.

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