Sebba Community Raises Over 400,000 FCFA for Injured Military Leader

Sebba – On Sunday, June 9, the community of Sebba donated 430,100 CFA francs to support Lieutenant Ouattara, a former military detachment leader who was seriously injured after encountering an explosive device.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the second vice-president of the special delegation of Sebba, the funds were collected during a meeting attended by residents and internally displaced persons and were handed over at the town hall.

Lieutenant Ouattara, who had served as the detachment leader in Sebba and was highly regarded by the local population for his contributions, sustained serious injuries while returning from a mission when his motorcycle struck an explosive device. He was promptly evacuated to Ouagadougou for medical treatment. During the fundraising meeting, the Sunni mosque’s imam highlighted Lieutenant Ouattara’s efforts in promoting social cohesion and moral values among various community groups, and recounted that he had been honored with a white turban as a symbol of respect and appreciation.

The collection amount, which Bako described as symbolically significant, was presented in a ceremony where community values and social unity were emphasized. The imam also conveyed the community’s wishes for the appointment of a successor who would continue Lieutenant Ouattara’s work. Bako assured that the funds would be delivered to Lieutenant Ouattara and promised the community updates on his recovery.

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