Sanmatenga: Framework for exchanges on child protection

Statutory members of the Provincial Consultation Framework (CCP) of Sanmatenga held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, their first ordinary session of the current year to discuss the issue of child protection.

The conclave of the first ordinary session of the Provincial Consultation Framework was marked by the examination of the situation of children and young girls in the province of Sanmatenga in the Center-North region marked by a context of security crisis and unprecedented humanitarianism.

“The crisis that has been raging in Sanmatenga since 2018 has a negative impact on the situation of children and young girls in educational, health and nutritional terms”, noted the head of the statistical service of the Regional Directorate of the Economy. and Planning Center-North (DREP-CN), Polycarpe Naré.

He indicated that several reasons make precarious the situation of women, children and young girls in Sanmatenga.

According to Mr. Naré, these include the increasingly difficult access to education of all kinds from preschool to secondary school, the high prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) and the growth in school dropouts. mainly due to gold panning and school pregnancies.

“The reduction in healthcare offers with the closure of health facilities due to insecurity, the recurrence of the unavailability of blood in hospitals, the increase in the prevalence of acute malnutrition, the persistence of certain social practices such as early/forced marriage, female circumcision and social exclusion,” he added.

To change the situation, according to Mr. Naré, the participants recommended better coordination of interventions and a synergy of actions between stakeholders to better impact the situation of children and young girls in the province.

The meeting was an opportunity for members to propose key advocacy and social mobilization messages for the protection of children and young girls.

“The Korsimoro communal city project initiated in 2017 was also the subject of discussions with a view to enabling effective, efficient and above all peaceful implementation,” he recalled.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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