Samorogouan Celebrates ‘Sangaba 2024’ Festival with Focus on Peace and Social Cohesion

Samorogouan – The traditional festival known as ‘Sangaba 2024’ concluded on Saturday, May 18, 2024, in Samorogouan, a town located approximately fifty kilometers from Orodara, the capital of Kénédougou Province. The event, held from May 16 to 18, centered on themes of peace and social cohesion, drawing participants from the region to commemorate the deceased and signal the start of the agricultural season.

According to Burkina Information Agency, one of the festival’s organizers, ‘Sangaba 2024’ featured family rituals, a women’s parade, and performances by local artists. Siaka Ouattara, the Coordinator of the Sangaba 2024 commemorative activities, noted that the festival was successful despite minor organizational challenges. Mahamoudou Barry, CEO of the Presta Sud-Babali group and a major contributor to the festival, commended the event’s alignment with the transitional government’s policy of promoting indigenous cultural practices. He expressed his ongoing commitment to supporting local development in Samorogouan.

Kognan Zoumana Traoré, the prefect and president of the special delegation of Samorogouan, highlighted the festival as part of a broader effort to reinforce the cultural policies of Ibrahim Traoré, Head of State, who has designated May 15 as an annual day of customs and traditions to strengthen national identity and unity.

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