Salif Kon© Takes the Reins of the Provincial Treasury of Ganzourgou


Ganzourgou: Salif Kon©, Treasury Inspector, was officially installed in his new role as interim provincial treasurer of Ganzourgou this Wednesday, January 15, 2025. The ceremony, chaired by the High Commissioner of Ganzourgou, Aminata Sorgho/Gouba, was held in the meeting room of the provincial directorate of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Ganzourgou.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Salif Kon© succeeds Mamoudou Bokoum, who has been appointed Chief Accountant of Money and Values at the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST), after serving at the head of the Main Treasury of Zorgho for more than three years.

In his speech, the new Provincial Treasurer expressed his gratitude to the authorities who renewed their confidence in him and praised the efforts of his predecessor. He emphasized the importance of team spirit and collective commitment to achieve the expected results, addressing the staff with optimism and determination.

Mamoudou Bokoum, for his part, thanked his colleagues and the authorities for their support during his tenure, highlighting the challenges related to the lack of staff. He encouraged his former colleagues to provide unwavering support to his successor for the success of his missions.

Victor Kabor©, the staff representative of the Ganzourgou Main Treasury, praised the serene working climate established by Bokoum, which helped in achieving the objectives. He also congratulated Kon© on his appointment, assuring the commitment of the agents to support him in his new role.

The ceremony was also marked by interventions from the proxy representing the Regional Treasurer of the Central Plateau and the High Commissioner of Ganzourgou. Both praised Bokoum’s performance and encouraged Kon© to tackle the challenges of his new mission effectively.

The High Commissioner assured the new Provincial Treasurer of the availability of the administrative authorities to support him and wished him success in his new responsibilities.

This ceremony brought together inspectors, provincial directors, and technical partners, all witnesses to the handover between two devoted servants of the Burkinabe public treasury.