Sahel States and Guinea Students Pledge Support for Vision of Leadership

OUAGADOUGOU — On Monday, February 26, 2024, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation, and Burkinabè Abroad, met with representatives from the Alliance of Sahel States and Guinea’s student and pupil community in Ouagadougou. The meeting highlighted the young generation’s commitment to supporting the collective vision outlined by the leadership of their countries.

According to Burkina Information Agency, led by Maouloune Hassan, the Secretary-General of the student and pupil office of the Alliance of Sahel States and Guinea, the group expressed their dedication to advancing the vision set forth by the heads of state. Hassan emphasized the role of the youth in reinforcing educational systems to address the challenges facing their nations, stating, “The path has already been paved by heads of state; It is up to us, the young people of the school and higher education systems, to carry the torch of this new common vision of our States.”

The visit symbolized the desire of students and pupils to support the goals shared by Burkina Faso, the Republic of Mali, and the Republic of Niger, aiming to strengthen the bonds between these nations further. Minister Traoré, along with Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation, Mrs. Stella Eldine Kabré/Kaboré, welcomed the initiative, praising it as a step towards reshaping perceptions of the Sahel as merely a region of conflict.

Minister Traoré encouraged the youth, stating, “You are the future of the AES, and in this, you must make it clear to the rest of the world that this space has resources made up first of all of these Men.” He advised the delegation to work inclusively, share positive experiences, and actively promote the Alliance’s vision to gain legitimacy and ensure the successful transition of leadership to the next generation.

The ministers assured the delegation of their full support for any initiatives that would emerge from this youthful engagement, underscoring the importance of such actions in fostering a more unified and positive image of the Sahel and Guinea.

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