Sahel Region Hosts Day of Traditions to Foster Social Cohesion

DORI — The Sahel region’s governorate held a day-long event in Dori focused on traditions and customs, aimed at exploring how traditional education and customary practices can bolster social cohesion amidst ongoing security challenges.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the city was chosen for this inaugural event because it serves as a cultural and ethnic crossroads in the Sahel region, making it an ideal venue for such a gathering. Dicko highlighted Dori’s unique position as a melting pot of various ethnic customs and traditions, which could provide a foundation for generational knowledge transmission. “Reflecting on our customs and traditions for successful generational transmission” was the theme of the day, emphasizing the importance of cultural continuity.

The event drew attention not only for its celebratory focus but also for its context in an area facing significant security issues. Mr. Amadou Dicko, the Minister Delegate for Animal Resources, noted the significance of holding the event despite these challenges. He pointed out that the celebration underscored the secular character of the region, which is often perceived as predominantly influenced by Islamic traditions. He expressed hope that the discussions and exhibitions would help identify cultural values that promote a harmonious communal life.

During the event, Professor Alkassoum Maiga addressed the attendees on the importance of understanding the terms related to customs and traditions, and how these could be leveraged to address regional insecurities. The day also featured cultural displays from five communities within the region — the Peulhs, the Keltamatchek, the Sonrai, the Gourmatché, and the Kourounfé — each showcasing their unique cultural heritage.

Lieutenant-Colonel Fabien Rodolphe Sorgho, the governor of the Sahel region, concluded the event by expressing gratitude to the partners and supporters who facilitated this significant cultural dialogue, marking it as a foundational step towards greater regional unity and security.

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