Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Honored in Burkina Faso

OUAGADOUGOU — During his visit to Burkina Faso, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was awarded the prestigious Commander of the Order of the Stallion, the highest honorary distinction in the country, in a ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Wednesday.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Lavrov’s visit, which included substantial discussions with President Ibrahim Traoré, focused on various developmental, economic, and security initiatives. Lavrov praised the measures taken by Burkina Faso in combating terrorism and restoring state authority. The visit further cemented ties between Burkina Faso and Russia, following agreements made at last year’s Saint Petersburg summit. Key topics included cooperation in sectors such as mining, professional training, agriculture, health, and military support, including arms supply to enhance the operational capabilities of Burkina Faso’s army. Lavrov also reiterated Russia’s support for the Alliance of Sahel States, emphasizing the shared commitment to overcoming neocolonial influences and strengthening the partnership in various developmental sectors.

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