Russia Commends Burkina Faso’s Stance on Ukrainian Conflict

MOSCOW — Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed approval on Wednesday for Burkina Faso’s President Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s decision to reject Western-proposed resolutions to the conflict in Ukraine. This stance aligns Burkina Faso with a broader coalition of countries that are not supporting measures favored by Western nations in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian conflict.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Burkina Faso’s position reflects an ‘objective and fair stance’ on the conflict, which Russia views as a hybrid war instigated by the West. “The country of honest men is part of the large group of countries that refuse to apply the anti-Russian solutions proposed by the West in the conflict between my country and Ukraine,” Lavrov declared, emphasizing the alignment of values between Russia and Burkina Faso.

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