Rural World Association Reviews Positive Impact in Passoré Province

Yako, Passoré: The Rural World Association (AMR) has reported significant progress in its initiatives throughout 2023 in the Passoré province. This update was shared during the second ordinary session of the Provincial Consultation Framework (CCP) of Passoré, held in the multipurpose room of the Yako youth center on Friday.

According to Burkina Information Agency, representing the AMR coordinator in Passoré, the association’s project, established in 1994, spans 10 regions of the country, including the Northern region where Passoré is located. The main goal of the project is to enhance living conditions through community initiatives, sustainable food systems, social cohesion, and the promotion of rights and human freedoms. The AMR is committed to empowering communities through training and awareness, emphasizing self-reliance and solidarity for development. Djiguèmdé outlined the areas of intervention, including the promotion of human rights, social cohesion, decentralization, local governance, empowerment of women and youth, land security, and protection of natural resources. In 2023, the AMR implemented various activities such as the establishment of micro-enterprise funds for youth, training in mobile journalism, and facilitating access to national food and nutritional security stock. Additional initiatives included creating dialogue spaces, supporting young leaders’ clubs in schools, and advocating for youth participation in Citizen Universities. Looking ahead, the AMR plans to create a provincial consultation framework, a panel on decentralization, and produce climate maps for schools. The High Commissioner of Passoré, Daouda Sangaré, presiding over the session, expressed gratitude for AMR’s contributions and concurred with the positive assessment of its actions, considering them “very reassuring” amidst the challenging security situation in some local municipalities.

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