Road safety, diplomacy, Burkinabe heritage on the menu of Burkinabe dailies

This Wednesday’s daily newspapers deal with road safety week, the denunciation of the tax treaty that binds Burkina Faso to France, and the adoption of the law on the protection, preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage.

The public daily Sidwaya mentions on its front page “safeguarding and enhancement of cultural heritage: MPs vote unanimously for the law”.

On this subject, the newspaper indicates that the deputies adopted bill n°2023-022/ALT on the protection, safeguarding and enhancement of cultural heritage in Burkina Faso.

“This law on the protection, safeguarding and enhancement of cultural heritage significantly and effectively strengthens the governance of the cultural heritage sector in general”, confided the Minister in charge of culture Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo according to the same newspaper.

According to the daily, the Minister added that these innovations offer the necessary tools to be able to secure our soul, our identity, our essential values, namely the elements of our cultural heritage.

On the same subject, the private daily newspaper Le Pays reports that the law enshrines the creation of a new profession such as that of “dealer”, which is any natural or legal person whose profession is to acquire, store and sell cultural property. not prohibited.

From another angle, the dean of the private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, displays: “France-Burkina: Ouaga denounces the tax convention on the avoidance of double taxation”.

The newspaper reports that the government of Burkina Faso hereby denounces the double tax treaty signed on August 11, 1965 between Burkina Faso and the French Republic and entered into force on February 15, 1967, including its amendment signed on June 3, 1971 and entered into force on October 1 , 1974.

In the same vein, the private newspaper Le Pays added by saying that this denunciation is the consequence of the refusal of the French party to accede to the request of the Burkinabè party, expressed since January 2020, to renegotiate the said agreement.

The newspaper indicates that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè outside Burkina also informs the French party that this denunciation takes effect within a period of (03) months following receipt of this note, being given that the circumstances of the denunciation no longer allow the provisions of Article 44 of the Convention to be applied.

Under another aspect, the private daily the observer Paalga mentions: “Code of the road: driving school starts in primary school”.

On the occasion of the week of road safety, the newspaper reports the announcement by the Prime Minister of the introduction of the teaching of the Highway Code in primary school.

On the same subject, the public daily Sidwaya informs that the Minister justified that this caravan aims to sensitize the citizens to the wearing of the helmet which can avoid cranial traumatisms in the event of traffic accident.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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