REVS PLUS Leads Workshop in Houndé to Promote Human Rights for HIV-Affected Individuals

HOUNDÉ – On Friday, May 17, 2024, the non-governmental organization Responsabilité Espoir Vie Solidarité (REVS PLUS) conducted a workshop aimed at advocating for the human rights of people affected by or infected with HIV. The event was held in Houndé, Tuy province.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Secretary General of the Tuy Province, who chaired the meeting on behalf of the High Commissioner, the workshop gathered various community stakeholders, including Defense and Security Forces, customary and religious leaders, and civil society organizations. Despite a national HIV infection rate of 0.6%, Ouattara highlighted alarming prevalence rates among specific groups: 6.8% among sex workers, 27.1% for men who have sex with men, 2.15% for prisoners, 4.6% for disabled individuals, and 0.5% for drug users.

He attributed these high rates to the stigmatization and discrimination these groups face, which significantly hinders their access to HIV prevention and treatment resources. Moumouni Traoré, administrator of the REVS PLUS Houndé branch, stated that the workshop’s goal was to facilitate discussions among community leaders to enhance health initiatives for those impacted by HIV.

The workshop included presentations and discussions on the roles of various associations and stakeholders, including religious and traditional leaders and the Defense and Security Forces, in combating HIV. These discussions aimed to develop a community leadership roadmap to improve engagement and support in the fight against HIV.

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