Return of electricity after a month of interruption in Nouna: People in jubilation

After more than a month of interruption in the province of Kossi and particularly in the town of Nouna, electricity finally returned on the evening of Tuesday September 26, 2023. This return was welcomed by clamors of joy followed by the din of horns on the main road which crosses the town of Nouna.

The town of Nouna is reborn. Economic activities can resume with a vengeance because electricity is back on the evening of Tuesday September 26, 2023, after more than a month of interruption.

Joy can be felt on faces, congratulatory messages on the platform of the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL) paraded to encourage the company to move forward.

In the early morning, the call to prayer from the muezzins of the different mosques woke the population.

For the High Commissioner of Kossi, Dô Jacques Abel Sanou, each Burkinabè counts for the Transition authorities and there is hope for the return of populations to their localities.

At the same time, he paid tribute to the agents of SONABEL, the
Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) for the sacrifices made on a daily basis for the happiness of the population.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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