Residents Of Kapsimotwa Ward Engage MCA On Developmental Issues

Underit Youth Group (UYG) which is funded by USAID in collaboration with Uraia trust and Act! held a follow up meeting on pre-election promises made by area Member of County Assembly (MCA) during a social vetting debate held before elections last year.

The participants who were drawn from Kapsimotwa ward engaged their MCA on developmental issues that they want to be considered in the third generation’s County Integrated Developmental Plan (CIDP).

Speaking during the engagement held in a Nandi Hills hotel, UYG coordinator Jacob Sanga said for any project to be effected it has to be included in the CIDP adding that once the community understands this then they will be in a position to hold their leaders accountable on specific projects citing County Government Act of 2012 article 104 that no public funds shall be appropriated outside a planning framework.

Sanga noted that for a community’s issues to be captured in planning frame work it requires residents to take part in full during development stages in public participation forums. It is your responsibility to participate in such forums to save your community,” pointed out Sanga.

On his part UYG project officer Francis Ng’eny sensitized the participants on key documents that residents should understand in order to participate on determining the developmental issues that need prioritization in their locality.

Ng’eny noted that people need to understand at what stage each document applies and when to take action as a way to ensure they make their decisions timely and effectively.

Some of the documents they were sensitized on include; Annual Developmental Plan (ADP) which is usually tabled by September 1, County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) usually tabled by October 31, County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) which is approved by March 14, quarterly reports, budget estimates and the appropriation of bills.

“You cannot hold a new MCA in office accountable on projects in the previous CIDP simply because he/she was not part of its formulation. By understanding this you will be able to know when to hold a leader accountable,” noted Ng’eny.

Ng’eny also urged participants to embrace technology and appropriate channels to raise issues of concern in their community.

He also urged participants to take the message received pertaining development to the rest of the community members to enable them take part in all document formulation.

Kapsimotwo ward MCA, Edwin Korir said he was ready to work with residents from his ward to ensure he delivers to the community based on his pre-election promises especially by prioritizing the issues affecting the community.

“We should have value for our money. As a leader I will not tolerate or oversight shoddy work. I will ensure quality work is done on developmental projects,” noted the MCA.

Some of the issues raised by residents that they want to be captured in the 3rd generation CIDP include water, health facilities, open air markets, TVETs, Coffee processing plants, cattle deeps among others.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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