Residents Face Water Shortage Due To Power Cut At Hola Water Supply

Hola Town residents and its surrounding areas have been experiencing severe water shortage for the past one week due to power disconnection at Hola Water supply owing to a pending power bill of Sh 5 million.

Tana River Water and Sewerage Company (TAWASCO) managing director Engineer William Jilo said Kenya Power disconnected power at Hola Water supply last Wednesday however, the problem is being sorted out saying the amount has been invoiced awaiting payment.

Speaking to the press on telephone today Engineer Jillo appealed to the local residents to be patient as water will start flowing to their homes and water kiosks.

He also said plans are under way to install solar panels at Hola Water supply in order to reduce the cases of power disconnection and ensure continuous water supply to water consumers in Hola Town and surrounding areas.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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