Relief As Harvest Season Begins In Narok


A sigh of relief has reverberated across Narok County after the much-awaited seasonal harvest started trickling into local markets. Residents expressed optimism that the prices of basic commodities may drop to reasonable levels this time around after a prolonged dry spell that saw households struggle with the high cost of food. Residents interviewed told KNA that the prices of cereals and related staple foodstuffs were gradually falling as the fresh harvest started trickling into the local market. Joel Oduor, a vendor of farm produce like peas and potatoes, said the bumper harvest has played a pivotal role in eradicating hunger in Narok County. With an ample supply of food available, food security has significantly improved recently. He, however, said more farmers planted maize, beans, and wheat this year and are expecting a bumper harvest at the end of the year. ‘One of the most noticeable effects is the significant drop in prices. The abundance of potatoes and peas has created a competitive market, forcing prices to decrease dramatically’, added Oduor. Mary Kariuki, who is a trader, said the prices of farm produce had skyrocketed for the past few months beyond the purchasing power of many households. ‘For example, 2kg of potatoes was going at Sh200, whereas now it’s at Sh60, and a kilogram of peas was going at Sh200, whereas now it’s at Sh50’, noted Kariuki. Families and individuals who previously struggled with high food costs now have access to affordable and nutritious produce. Narok County is known for its rich agricultural heritage and has been one of the country’s grain baskets for years after recording a bumper harvest in the past few years, especially now that the government has offered incentives and subsidies to farm inputs to encourage large-scale production of farm produce. The county was, however, among those hardest hit by the recent drought, which experts attributed to the changing weather patterns occasioned by the effects of global warming due to carbon emissions in the atmosphere. A spot check in the area revealed that this time the crops were doing well on the farms, and farmers have started harvesting crops that mature in a short period of time, thereby increasing the supply of farm produce to the markets. The surplus has not only led to affordable prices for customers but has also significantly contributed to eradicating hunger in the county. The success story of Narok County serves as a shining example of the positive impact that sustainable agriculture can have on local communities. Through a combination of favorable weather, modern farming practices, and collaborative efforts, the county has achieved a remarkable feat in improving food security, reducing prices, and eradicating hunger. Farmers in the upper Mau region are harvesting potatoes and peas, while in the lower Mau region, they are harvesting beans.

Source: Kenya News Agency