Regional Courts to Handle Divorce Cases Following New Legislation


WINDHOEK – Regional courts are set to gain the authority to oversee divorce proceedings, a move aimed at alleviating the burden on the High Court, according to Chief Justice Peter Shivute. This change is contingent on the enactment of upcoming divorce legislation.

According to Namibia Press Agency, Chief Justice Shivute announced this development during his opening remarks at the annual Magistrates’ Conference held in Swakopmund. He noted that currently, only the High Court handles divorce cases, which significantly strains the judicial system. The Chief Justice highlighted the need for additional resources and support for magistrates and court staff who will take on these responsibilities once the legislation is implemented.

Shivute expressed concerns about the ongoing challenges within the judiciary, particularly the impact of increasing the monetary jurisdictions of magistrates’ courts without corresponding support. “Often, the legislature passes laws that have an impact and add additional responsibilities to the magistrates’ courts, and in most cases, there is no attendant support for these matters,” Shivute remarked.

The conference, which convened under the theme ‘Fostering the Unified Magistracy,’ provided a forum for magistrates from across the country to discuss their roles and the administration of justice. During the event, Bernhard Kukuri, Executive Director in the Office of the Judiciary, emphasized the critical need for adequate support for judges and magistrates, including security and resources. He also mentioned ongoing efforts towards the digital transformation of the judiciary, including the planned implementation of the Integrated Namian Courts Information System (NAMCIS) by the next year to enhance efficiency in court operations.

Furthermore, Natalie Russmann, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Namibia-Angola Resident Representative, highlighted the importance of continued support for judiciary institutions to address these prevalent challenges effectively.