Regional capacity building workshops for Experts from ROGEAP Member States on standards for solar home system kits with capacity up to 350 watts

Regional capacity building workshops for Experts from ROGEAP Member States on standards for solar home system kits with capacity up to 350 watts

As part of the implementation of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP), the ECOWAS Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalization is organizing a series of regional capacity building workshops for State Experts [1] covered by said project on standards for solar home system kits.

Niamey in Niger, Lomé in Togo and Accra in Ghana are the three cities selected to host during the month of May 2023, the regional workshops which will be led by Experts from ROGEAP, the Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency of ECOWAS (ECREEE) and VERASOL which is a diverse network of organizations, institutions and programs set up to improve the quality and availability of modern off-grid solar solutions worldwide.

It is Niamey, the capital of Niger, which will host from May 3 to 5, the first regional capacity building workshop for the first group of French-speaking countries.

This will be followed by the second to be held from May 9 to 11 in Accra, Ghana for the group of English-speaking countries and finally the third will take place from May 16 to 19 in Lomé, Togo for the second group of French-speaking and Portuguese-speaking countries.

The main objective of this activity is to provide the necessary technical assistance to experts from rural electrification and/or renewable energy agencies and standardization agencies in charge of off-grid in ECOWAS Member States for the strengthening their capabilities on the draft standards ECOSTAND IEC TS 62257-9-8:2020 and ECOSTAND IEC TS 62257-9-5:2018, relating to off-grid solar home systems with a power less than or equal to 350Wp and their test method at laboratory.

The training will cover the following topics: i. the general and specific principles of the two standards, ii. Compliance assessment of off-grid systems, iii. Market surveillance, iv. The application of standards as well as the monitoring and evaluation relating to off-grid solar PV products up to 350 watts and their laboratory test methods.

The Niamey regional workshop organized in collaboration with the Nigerien Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (ANM), the Nigerien Agency for the Promotion of Electrification in Rural Areas (ANPER) and the National Agency for Energie Solaire du Niger (ANERSOL), will be officially launched on May 3 by Commissioner Sédiko DOUKA in charge of Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalization of ECOWAS and HE Mrs. Salamatou GOUROUZA MAGAGI, Minister of Industry and Youth Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Niger.

ECOWAS press release

[1] Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo, Mauritania, Cameroon, Chad and Central African Republic.


Opening in Niamey of the regional capacity building workshop for Experts from ROGEAP Member States on standards for solar home system kits with a capacity of up to 350 watts.

The work of this regional workshop, which concerns a first wave of French-speaking ROGEAP countries, was officially launched by Mr. Ali BOUKARI, Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry and Youth Entrepreneurship of Niger and Commissioner Sédiko DOUKA in in charge of Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalization of ECOWAS.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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