Real estate development, suspension and trial on the menu of Burkinabe daily newspapers

This Friday’s dailies echo the defamation trial against the newspaper Le Reporter, the suspension of the extradition of François Compaoré to Burkina Faso and real estate development in Burkina Faso.

The private daily Le Pays headlines its front page: “Real estate development in Burkina Faso: ONC-AC warns illegal real estate development companies”.

The newspaper informs that the Ministry of Urban Planning through the Director General of the National Office for Development and Construction Control (ONC-AC), Yacouba Siko, has invited real estate companies to submit to the new regulations in force in risks being subjected to the rigor of the law.

According to the daily, the Council of Ministers adopted in its session on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, on the proposal of the Ministry of Urban Planning, Land Affairs and Housing, three decrees implementing the law on real estate development in Burkina Faso. .

By the way, the Bobolais newspaper L’Express du Faso adds that this law specifies that real estate development operations can only be carried out on developed urban land intended for housing and related activities.

Also, it repeals the sale of land products such as subdivision and urban reimbursement to private legal entities.

From another angle, the dean of private daily newspapers L’Observateur Paalga writes: “Refusal of extradition François Compaoré by the ECHR: This is not an obstacle according to the government.”

The daily reports that a week after the refusal of the European Court of Human Rights to authorize the extradition of François Compaoré, the government reacted via a press release from the Minister of Justice.

According to L’Observateur Paalga, in this document, he explained that the decision of the ECHR does not prevent the investigating judge seized from being able to complete his investigation within the framework of the legal procedure followed in Burkina .

On the same subject, the private daily Le pays reports that Mr. François Compaoré is being prosecuted by the justice system of Burkina Faso for acts of “incitement to the assassination” of journalist Norbert Zongo and his three companions on December 13, 1998.

According to the newspaper, the government reassures national and international public opinion that everything will be done so that the legal case of Norbert Zongo and his companions can be resolved in strict compliance with the rules of criminal procedure in force in Burkina Faso which require respect for the fundamental rights of all parties to the proceedings.

Under another aspect, the public daily Sidwaya displays: “Le Reporter trial: the file postponed until September 21”.

Sidwaya indicates that the defamation suit against the newspaper Le Reporter brought by the minister in charge of the economy and the DG of customs and taxes, during the hearing on August 10, was postponed to September 14.

This time, the court ordered the firm postponement of the case, until September 21, for the production of proof and at the expense of the defense.

According to Sidwaya, the publishing director of the private bimonthly Le Reporter, Boureima Ouédraogo and its editor-in-chief, Aimé Kobo Nabaloum appeared on August 10 before the criminal chamber of the Ouaga II High Court (TGI II).

They are being prosecuted for “defamation and complicity in defamation” against the minister in charge of the economy, Dr Aboubacar Nacanabo, the director general of customs, Mathias Kadiogo and that of taxes, Daouda Kirakoya.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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