Radio Ergo audience feedback report, Issued: 19 Sep 2022

Brief Analysis
Apart from a few callers reporting rainfall in Abudwak and part of Puntland, the majority of other callers this week (8-14 September 2022) to Radio Ergo’s audience feedback platform focused on the grip of drought, water scarcity, food shortage, rising prices, and displacement. Calls from IDPs either in named camps or elsewhere indicated their lack of access to aid. Callers also indicated that COVID19 is still a concern. The following summarises the calls by theme.
Drought and impact — among the many callers from Togdher in Somaliland, most were from Buhodle. They described the drought severally as severe, prolonged, worsening, or causing havoc. One caller in Buhodle said they among many destitute IDPs who needed aid. They said livestock were either dead already or weak and thin. Callers in one area said pastoralists and their livestock had been barred from accessing the borehole and the government should intervene. They said water prices were always rising. There were also many calls from Sanag, including Dhahar near the Puntland border, and El-afweyne. A caller in El-afweyne said they could not sell their livestock and food prices kept rising. Another said food and water were short. Nomadic pastoralists said they had been ignored by the government. Callers in Kalabaydh, eastern Sool, said they were losing their livestock to the severe drought. A female caller in Agare, Sool, said water was their main issue and aid organisations had neglected them. In central Somalia, several callers in Galkayo, Mudug, complained of the severity of the drought, with a female caller adding that they were threatened also by Al-Shabaab. Callers in Abudwak and Adado said there were many displaced people in need of relief aid. A female caller in Adado said they needed help to survive this period with the rising prices. Callers in Balanbale, Dusamareb, El-dhere and Guriel complained of livestock deaths, intense heat, and hardship. Among callers in Beletweyne, Hiran, a female caller said their livestock had died. Another said there were many IDPs needing help. A female caller in Bakool said they had been displaced by drought and needed assistance. IDPs in Wanlaweyn made a similar call for help. A caller in Kismayo said the local government had taken no steps to help the IDPs. In Gedo, a female caller in Bardera said they faced food shortage. A farmer said their harvests had been reduced. A caller in Dollow sad they were displaced from their villages to Qur-dubey camp and needed aid organisations to support them. Another caller said they had not cooked a meal that day due to lack of food and water.
Conflict — some callers noted the additional burden of conflict on top of drought. A caller in Bur-qaninye said they were facing famine and landmines had been planted in their area. A caller in an unspecified part of central said their camels, cows and goats were being killed and water prices had risen. Another said they faced explosions and gunshots as well as the drought.
COVID19 — several callers indicated that they were suffering symptoms of Coronavirus. A caller in Jowhar said with the drought and displacement they were worried about spread of the virus in crowded camp settings.

Source: Radio Ergo

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