Radio Ergo audience feedback report, 16 June 2022


Brief Summary

The calls this week (9-15 June 2022) recorded on Radio Ergo’s independent call-in platform show increasing concern over food shortages and rising living costs, resulting from the prevailing drought conditions. Callers in some areas receiving rainfall mentioned inadequacy of resources. Togdher, Sanag, Galmudug and Hiran produced most calls about drought and water crisis. There was increased interested in Coronavirus information indicating presumed presence of the virus in many regions. This week there were more female callers than usual, perhaps responding to Radio Ergo’s call for women to use the feedback service. The following summarises the calls by theme.

COVID19 – the calls on this topic came mainly from central and southern regions. Most callers asked questions about how to identify symptoms of the virus and how to distinguish it from flu. Many wanted to know about medication to treat people with COVID19. One caller in Beletweyne said a widespread outbreak of coughing had caused fear there. (Radio Ergo continues its Radio Doctor programme responding to questions and also air other advice and information on COVID19).

Rainfall – in Togdher, some people reported rainfall although one female caller said it was little and they still suffered water shortage. A caller in Bardera, Gedo, said people were migrating there after some rain putting pressure on resources.

Drought – in Somaliland, callers in Awdal and Gabiley described lack of water, rising prices, and lack of jobs. Callers in Durugsi, Buhodle and Gadley in Togdher said the rain had stopped, the water sources had dried up and food was short, and pastoralists had migrated to Hawd plateau searching for pasture and water. Callers in various parts of Sanag said they faced water and food shortages and needed help from government or aid agencies. In Puntland, several female callers in Bosaso said they needed help due to high prices and destroyed livelihoods. Other Puntland callers said they needed water aid. In Mudug, a female caller in Harardhere said the water had run out because many had migrated there with their livestock. Another female caller in Galkayo said the government must stabilise the rising prices. Galgadud produced many callers this week. One in Abudwak wanted the newly appointed federal government humanitarian envoy to visit them. In particular there were a lot of calls from Guriel: one female caller they couldn’t afford the food prices. Others said food was short and prices were rising, whilst one said all their livestock had died due to drought and disease. In Hiran, female callers in Beletweyne said the drought continued, water was short and they needed aid. A caller in Buloburte said the river level had dropped and they lacked pumps so many of their crops had failed. Inf Lower Shabelle, a caller in Qoryoley said the area had suffered from prolonged drought and they need assistance. In Baidoa, drought displaced families said they needed food, water and shelter. Another in Bay said they hadn’t had rain for three years. In Gedo, a caller in Burhakaba said they were desperate for hep and another in Dollow said food and water were short

Source: Radio Ergo