Public Service Commission host roundtable on discipline management in Public Service, 23 Feb

Public Service Commission to host a roundtable on discipline management in the Public Service

In a quest to achieve good human resource management practices in the Public Service, the Public Service Commission (PSC) will host a Roundtable on Discipline Management on 23 February 2023. The roundtable is critical given the widespread concerns pertaining to poor management of precautionary suspensions and disciplinary processes in the Public Service.

The aim of the roundtable is to solicit inputs from stakeholders on mechanisms to improve discipline management, and to ensure effective and efficient performance in the Public Service. Similarly, the roundtable will provide an opportunity for various stakeholders to reflect on the discipline management challenges and propose possible measures that can be adopted in addressing these issues.

The Deputy Minister for Public Service and Administration, Dr Chana Pilane-Majake will deliver a keynote address.

Other participants at the event will include, amongst others, the PSC Chairperson, Prof Somadoda Fikeni, Labour Courts Judge President B Waglay, ,The Solicitor-General, Director-Generals, Heads of Departments and Senior Managers in the Public Service, representatives from the General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council, Organised Labour, Labour Relations and Legal.

A programme for the day is attached for information.

Source: Government of South Africa

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