Gnagna: The statutory members of the Gnagna Provincial Consultation Framework convened on Monday for an ordinary session to review the activities of the year 2023-2024. The session was presided over by Mendien known as Moussa Soma, the Secretary General of the Gnagna province.
According to Burkina Information Agency, the session involved discussions on the achievements and future prospects of the Provincial Consultation Framework (CCP) for the upcoming year 2024-2025. The meeting also addressed the activities of the civil-military consultation framework in Gnagna. Secretary General Soma expressed appreciation for the Emergency Project for Territorial Development and Resilience (PUDTR) for its significant role in enhancing the living conditions of local communities. The PUDTR has been instrumental in supporting decentralization through emergency investments that facilitate access to basic socio-economic infrastructure, road and virtual infrastructure, economic recovery, empowerment, and income-generating acti
vities. Additionally, it focuses on citizen engagement and reinforcing governmental presence in security-challenged areas.
The provincial director of preschool, primary, and non-formal education, Salam Ouédraogo, highlighted the challenges and achievements of the 2023-2024 school year, noting disruptions due to security issues that led to school closures. Despite these challenges, resilient efforts by stakeholders resulted in favorable outcomes in the 2024 school exams. Ouédraogo emphasized the need for enhanced partner support to address infrastructure, furniture, and textbook shortages.
On civil-military actions, Djibo Lankoandé, the provincial coordinator of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), advocated for continued collaboration between civilians and the Defense and Security Forces to tackle shared challenges. Since its establishment on December 18, 2009, the CCP has served as a dialogue platform for stakeholders in decentralized rural development, aiming to harmonize interventions for a greater impact
on local development. Statutory members regularly convene to exchange ideas, engage in dialogue, and address current issues and concerns.