Protesters Rally in Washington Against Upcoming NATO Summit

WASHINGTON — Activists in Washington, D.C., staged a protest against the forthcoming NATO summit, scheduled from July 9 to 11, voicing strong opposition to the organization’s policies. The demonstration, organized by the No to NATO association in collaboration with multiple human rights groups, highlighted the concerns of various communities regarding NATO’s global military influence.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the protest saw significant participation from activists who convened at a church near the Capitol. The venue was adorned with placards and banners bearing messages such as “Resist NATO” and “Speak out against the US-EU-NATO axis of domination.” Prominent leaders from the participating groups addressed the crowd, critiquing NATO’s strategies and future plans.

Ann Wright, a notable activist and former U.S. State Department official, encapsulated the sentiments of the protesters. She criticized the NATO leadership, stating, “The leaders of 32 NATO countries are meeting in Washington to tell us about the war they will wage over the coming years. And we are coming together here to tell them no.” The assembly responded with chants of “No to NATO, yes to peace!”

Plans for another demonstration have been set for Sunday in Lafayette Square, near the White House. This event is expected to draw a larger crowd of anti-war activists, further emphasizing their plea for peace ahead of the high-profile NATO summit.

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