Principal Secretary Urges Counties to Collaborate with TVETs for Economic Growth


Kitale—During the 2nd International Research Conference of the Kitale National Polytechnic, county governments were urged to establish collaborative relationships with Technical, Vocational Education, and Training (TVET) institutions. The call aims to leverage the research and innovations from these institutions for transformative economic growth and development.

According to a new release by Kenya News Agency, Principal Secretary, State Department for Technical, Vocational Education, and Training, collaboration with TVETs can help counties address the challenges posed by a rapidly changing job market and technological advances. “By embracing collaborative research and innovation, devolved units can harness the potential of TVET to meet the demands of a rapidly changing job market,” said Dr. Muoria. She also mentioned that the State Department for Technical and Vocational Education and Training has redesigned the curriculum to implement Competency-Based Education Training (CBET), aiming to equip graduates with industry-relevant skills.

Trans Nzoia CECM for Education, Mr. Samson Ojwang, assured the Principal Secretary of the county’s commitment to collaborate with state departments for TVET. He cited plans for land allocation to several Technical Training Institutes for infrastructural expansion and bursaries for students as evidence of this commitment.