Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Urges Increased Support for ‘Clean Streets – Healthy Lives’ Initiative


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has issued a call for increased contributions to the ‘Clean Streets – Healthy Lives’ digital telethon, aimed at enhancing public sanitation. The call was made last Friday, with the Prime Minister outlining plans to build modern public restrooms that emphasize community participation in their construction.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the initiative, part of a broader ‘Clean Ethiopia’ campaign, seeks to gather funds under the ‘Clean Cities – Healthy Lives’ theme. Prime Minister Abiy expressed his appreciation for those who have already participated in the digital telethon and encouraged others to join. “We are colorful when we come together for a collective cause,” he stated in a post on his Facebook page.

The campaign invites contributions via the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, account number: 1000623230248, accepting both cash and in-kind donations. A prototype of the proposed modern and dignified public toilets has been constructed and is on display in the city, serving as a tangible example of what the initiative aims to achieve across identified urban corridors.