President Traoré Named ‘Angel in Chief’ by Burkina’s Fasokooz Movement

OUAGADOUGOU – In a patriotic ceremony on Saturday, Burkina Faso’s President, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, was honored with the title ‘Angel in Chief’ by the Fasokooz civil society movement. The event marked the 2024-2025 patriotic return and highlighted the president’s commitment to ending terrorism and his direct approach in leadership.

According to Burkina Information Agency, spokesperson for Fasokooz, the event took place in Ouagadougou during the official launch of the movement’s patriotic start for the year. Naba praised President Traoré’s leadership, noting his role in embodying the generational change the Burkinabè people have long desired. The distinction recognizes his efforts in guiding the nation towards a new era of governance and his success in securing a renewed mandate from the Forces vives de la nation on May 25, 2024.

The ceremony also focused on youth engagement and education. The Minister in charge of Youth, Dr. Boubakar Savadogo, emphasized the importance of peer-to-peer education initiatives led by Fasokooz, which aim to instill a spirit of patriotism among young Burkinabès. These programs are part of a broader effort to align Burkina Faso’s political and state structures with the socio-cultural realities of the country, fostering a sense of dignity, integrity, work, solidarity, and patriotism.

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