President Traoré Calls for a Celebration of Burkina Faso’s ‘Real Independence’ in August 2025

KOULOUBA – Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the President of Faso, has rallied the citizens of Burkina Faso to strive towards celebrating the country’s ‘real independence’ on August 5, 2025. During a ceremony at Koulouba Palace, he emphasized the significance of genuine autonomy, urging for increased commitment and sacrifice from the Burkinabè people.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the proposed celebration in 2025 should mark the fruition of efforts that began with the revolution of August 1983, which set Burkina Faso on the path towards authentic independence. He contrasted this envisioned milestone with August 5, 1960, the official date of Burkina Faso’s independence, suggesting that the true liberation of the country requires a more profound and collective endeavor. The president addressed the presidential staff and various attendees during the color raising ceremony, stressing that independence is not a gift but must be earned through determination and dedication.

The call for a renewed focus on independence reflects an ongoing theme in President Traoré’s administration, which aligns with his broader vision of self-sufficiency and resilience for Burkina Faso. He has frequently underscored the importance of unity and personal sacrifice in achieving national goals, particularly in the face of socio-economic challenges.

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