President to present Presidency Budget Vote 2022/23

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Thursday, 9 June 2022, update Parliament on the role of The Presidency in leading economic reconstruction and recovery and social transformation in the country.

The President will address these developments, including progress updates on government’s achievements against the 2022 State of the Nation Address, when he presents the third Presidency Budget Vote (Vote) of the Sixth Administration to the National Assembly in Cape Town. The Budget Vote covers the 2022/23 financial year.

The Budget Vote event will take place in the Good Hope Chamber at Parliament.

The annual tabling of departmental Budget Votes provides an opportunity for Parliament and the public to be updated on how government goes about implementing programmes under the key national priorities and how budgets appropriated to departments will be used.

At the apex of the Executive arm of the State, the Presidency is the centre of coordination, oversight and supervision across all spheres of government.

The Presidency supports the President and Deputy President in executing their responsibilities to defend, respect and uphold the Constitution and implement government’s Programme of Action.

The tabling of Budget Vote 1 will be followed by a parliamentary debate.

The President will respond to the debate on Friday, 10 June 2022.

Source: The Presidency Republic of South Africa

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