President of Special Delegation Inspects Agricultural Initiatives in Nahouri

POÛ — On Saturday, Iliassa Dianda, President of the Special Delegation of the Urban Commune of Pô, visited local agricultural sites as part of the government’s agro-sylvo-pastoral offensive, aiming to bolster agricultural productivity in the region.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the president toured two significant agricultural projects in the villages of Pounkouyan and Tiakané. In Pounkouyan, he met with agricultural technicians and producers who were actively engaged in corn planting on a 5-hectare field operated by the Ministry of Agriculture. Dianda expressed his satisfaction with the high level of mobilization and optimism that the government’s objectives for enhancing agricultural output would be met within his municipality.

The visit also highlighted the community’s support for the initiatives, with local leaders like Bruno Kounilougou of the Village Development Committee and Ousmane Sawadogo, a representative from the departmental agriculture service, appreciating the attention and encouragement from the top municipal official. They emphasized the importance of good rainfall for the success of the season’s agricultural campaign.

Subsequently, Dianda and his delegation, including his second vice-president Luc Pétrabou, proceeded to Tiakané to evaluate a ‘free plowing operation’ conducted by the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), which had successfully plowed around 81 hectares by that date.

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