President advises political parties from radicalising young people


Angolan president João Lourenço advised Monday the political parties to refrain from radicalising young people, using them as throwing weapons against their opponents and much less against the homeland.

The recommendation was made when addressing an opening ceremony the 3rd edition of ANGOTIC 2023 – International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies of Angola – with more than 60 companies and 21 countries.

João Lourenço said that young Angolans are the “most beloved, most valuable ones” for the present and future of the country.

“We are going to work, permanently, on their moral and civic education for the need to defend the noblest values of our culture and Christian civilization, for the need for respect for the family, the neighbour, the child and the elderly, the national symbols and the homeland”, he underlined.

According to the President of the Republic, in this digital age, communication and information technologies have evolved a lot and have made powerful tools available to users, such as tablets and smart mobile phones, on which are based the so-called digital platforms.

“All these means and technological resources, by turning a simple cell phone into a true mobile office, communicable with the world at the click of a button, make them an important tool for research work, for investigating communication among people, companies and institutions, of cultural and scientific exchange”, he pointed out.

However, said the Head of State, “as there is no beauty without a flaw, they can also be used for malevolent and even criminal purposes to denigrate the good name and honour of people, organisations and institutions to serve organised crime, to organise rebellions, riots and coup d’état”.

To João Lourenço, the problem is not in digital platforms, technologies, software and applications, but in the good or bad use given by users.

They “must be educated, from an early age, that a tool made to produce wealth and knowledge, build peace and harmony, unfortunately, that same tool can also be used to destroy, to divide, to sow discord, to create chaos, depending only on our attitude as active or passive users”, he declared.

“The internet, digital platforms and social networks should be used, above all, for our academic, cultural and professional improvement or to start and promote our businesses”, recommended the Statesman, appealing, therefore, to young Angolans “to do not waste your precious time with negative things, with the propagation of rumours, intentionally forged lies, political intolerance and hatred”.

As for the event, the President of the Republic hoped that it could achieve the purpose of becoming a regional and global platform for exchanging experiences, strengthening and building new contacts and business.

In this way, João Lourenço hopes that the advantages inherent in the existence of the African Continental Free Trade Area can be leveraged, capable of contributing decisively to making the personal and professional lives of Angolans better and societies more organized and developed.

The 3rd edition of ANGOTIC 2023 – International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies in Angola will last over three days, under the motto “Connectivity and Technological Modernization

Source: Angola Press News Agency