Premier Zamani Saul and Deputy Minister Thembi Siweya meet Springbok residents, 27 May


Premier of the Northern Cape and Presidency Deputy Minister takes government services to the people

Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul and Deputy Minister in the Presidency, Thembi Siweya, will meet residents of Springbok as part of a government outreach to provide easy and direct access to government services.

In response to the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation’s frontline monitoring report that highlights a need for service improvements, Premier Saul and Deputy Minister Siweya will host a service fair in Springbok which is based in Namakwa District Municipality, North Cape Province.

The service fair will include mobile stalls of departments such as Home Affairs, Social

Development, South African Police Services, Employment and Labour and National Youth Development Agency where residents will be able to access essential government support.

The service fair will be preceded by an Imbizo where community members will have an opportunity to engage with their leaders and raise issues they consider to be of interests.

Subsequent to the service fair and community engagement, Premier Saul and Deputy Minister Siweya will officiate the opening of the state-of-art Port Nolloth Community Health Centre.

On the day, the Premier and Deputy Minister Siweya will be Joined by several National Government, Provincial and local leaders that include all Members of the Executive Committee in the Northern Cape, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Njabulo Nzuza, Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, David Mahlobo, Deputy Minister of Human Settlements, Pam Tshwete and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development, Rural Development and Land Reform, Mcebisi Skwatsha.

Source: Government of South Africa