Premier Tebogo Job Mokgoro sends condolences to Mpho Mathibela family


North West Premier conveys condolences on the passing of Mpho Mathibela

Premier Tebogo Job Mokgoro has on behalf of the North West Provincial Government conveyed a message of condolence to the Mathibela family following the passing of Mpho Mathibela on 7 August 2021.

Mpho and Mphonyana Mathibela, who were previously conjoined, underwent a successful operation that drew the attention of millions of South Africans who sent congratulatory messages following their operation. Mphonyana died of pneumonia in 1989.

It is reported that Mpho 34 died at Tshepong Hospital after she was admitted on Monday 2 August 2021.

Premier Mokgoro recalls that the successful operation of the Mathibela twins demonstrated medical excellence in the South African medical fraternity. This operation held the country and the world in awe. “We will forever cherish the good memories associated with Mpho whose resilience over the years has stood out as an inspirational quality she possessed.” Remarked Mokgoro.

Mokgoro further commends Councillors in Matlosana Local Municipality as the closest sphere of government to the people for providing much needed support to the Mathibela family.


Source: Government of South Africa


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