Premier Maape Kaobitsa applauds North West class of 2021 for improved matric results


North West Premier, Bushy Kaobitsa Maape has thanked and applauded the Matric Class 2021 for assisting the province to improve the matric results and achieve 78,2% which represents an increase of 2% from the 76,2% in 2020.

Premier Maape was addressing the North West Provincial Matric Results Announcement ceremony held at MM Sebitloane Special School in Greater Taung Local Municipality. The ceremony was also attended by top achieving learners and schools in the province, including the officials from the Department of Education.

In 2018 the province improved to 81.1% (position 4), 2019, obtained a pass rate of 86.8% (position 4) then in 2020 dropped to 76.2% and relegated to position 5 on the national ranking. In 2021 the Province is back to position 4 with 78,2%.

Premier Maape said the performance is a reflection of the resilience of learners who had to adapt to new ways of learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic which affected their schooling program.

“The Class of 2021 faced the stark realities of living side-by-side with the Coronavirus pandemic. They had to adapt and cope with the dictates of a pandemic that dramatically changed their conventional ways of doing things at home and at school. Despite all this they rose above the challenges they faced and emerged victorious. We are proud of the character displayed by the Class of 2021” remarked Premier Maape.

MEC for Education also applauded the learners for helping the province to improve the results after dropping their position in 2020. MEC Matsemela also announced the best performing candidate for the North West Class of 2021, Eloise Elizabeth Shelley from Hartbeespoort High School. Shelley obtained seven distinctions and scored 1709 marks in all subjects excluding Life Orientation and obtained beyond 90% in all her subjects.

“When we said we will bounce back after taking a knock in the 2020 matric result, many thought it was just rhetoric. Our commitment to rise again was inspired by the wisdom drawn from the words of our former President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Still I Rise’. We have reclaimed our position and we are counted amongst the stars. We are extremely proud of the Class of 2021” said MEC Matsemela

Top Performing Schools based on the highest number of subject distinctions (Excluding Life Orientation), in ascending order. In Position 3 is Potchefstroom Girls High with 186 subject distinctions, Position 2 – Wesvalia High School with 207 subject distinctions and Position 1 goes to Gimnasium High School with 214 subject distinctions.

Bojanala District is the top performing district with 81,6%, followed by Dr Kenneth Kaunda with 79,3%, Ngaka Modiri Molema 75,2 and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati with 72,9%.

Premier Bushy Maape took the opportunity to announce that the province will be increasing the number of bursaries for the 2022 academic year.

“The Provincial Bursary Scheme is now known as Victor Thebe Sifora who is a struggle icon in the province, who education was very close to his heart. We will also increase the roll-out of learnerships and internships for those who will not succeed in securing the bursary. This will give them an opportunity to acquire the needed skills, lessen the high unemployment rate in the province and contribute to the economy” said Premier Maape.

He also thanked MEC Matsemela for heading what he called a complex Department and delivering on the key mandate of the department.

Source: Government of South Africa


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