Premier Kaobitsa Bushy Maape wishes matric learners success in their final year examinations


Premier Kaobitsa Bushy Maape wishes matric learners success in their final year examinations
Mahikeng: The North West provincial government under the stewardship of Premier Kaobitsa Bushy Maape takes this opportunity to send well-wishes to all Grade 12 learners in the province, who will be starting with their final examinations on Monday, 31 October 2022. Premier Maape maintains that while the past two years proved to be a tumultuous period due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the year 2022 has been fairly stable.
This has had positive spill-over effects in teaching and learning. The provincial government through the Department of Education initiated various intervention measures to make sure that learners do not slack in their work.
“The Department of Education initiated learning camps whose primary objective was to cover the curriculum and do revision. Another intervention was through Dial-A-Tutor Programme where learners dial experts on a toll-free number for assistance in various subjects. The department also tapped into the social media space as it is popular among the youth and in this instance learners. These strategies have been of great assistance in seeing to it that learners prepare thoroughly for the 2022 final year examinations”.
Remembering the class of 2021, Premier Maape said that the bar has been set high and the province cannot afford to drop the ball as it is capable of achieving more. He further asserts that government is constitutionally obligated to create a conducive environment for teachers and learners and ensure that resources are availed towards the education of the marginalized and economically disenfranchised.
“It is only through education that we can be able to address the scourge of poverty and unemployment besieging our communities” emphasized Premier Maape.
Over forty-eight thousand learners will sit for this year’s Grade 12 examinations. And the provincial government has, through the Department of Education put in place numerous measures in place to ensure the smooth running of examinations. Ends

Source: Government of South Africa


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