Premier Kaobitsa Bushy Maape visits Onkgopotse Tiro Comprehensive School to assess the state of readiness ahead of the final year examinations, 31 Oct


Premier Maape visits Onkgopotse Tiro Comprehensive School to assess state of readiness ahead of final year examinations.
Premier of the North West, Kaobitsa Bushy Maape will on Monday, 31 October 2022 visit Onkgopotse Tiro Comprehensive School to give a pep-talk to learners and assess the state of readiness ahead of the 2022 final year examinations.
The school was named after struggle veteran Onkogopotse Abram Tiro. Tiro who was SRC president at the then Turfloop University.
He was also a history teacher at Isaac Morison High School which later became a hive of political activities during the 1976 Student Uprisings.
Tiro was one of the first anti-apartheid activists to be killed through a parcel bomb while in exile at Gaborone-Botswana.
The school accommodates largely learners from impoverished families and in particular farming communities in the Mahikeng and Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipalities.
Last year the school obtained 97.4 % pass rate and over the years it has received excellence awards in teaching and learning.

Source: Government of South Africa


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