Premier Alan Winde’s response to South Africa’s move to Adjusted Alert Level 2


The move to Adjusted Alert Level 2 is a welcomed first step to assist the country’s economy at a time when desperate action is needed to save jobs. This will provide some assistance to the Western Cape’s hospitality sector in particular, which remains an important job creator.
However, I am concerned that President Cyril Ramaphosa did not present a concrete plan on when he will end the National State of Disaster. Instead, the Disaster was extended for another month by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.
The hard truth is that we cannot be in this State of Disaster forever, and we need to have a frank discussion on how we will continue to manage COVID-19 in the future without relying on this extreme instrument. We believe that a new, differentiated management system needs to take into account each province’s capacity to cope. We have learnt how to manage waves effectively in the province, and we continue to have the capacity to do so at the provincial level.
I will be engaging with the President on this important matter during the National Lekgotla this week, where all nine Premiers will be present.
I want to echo the President’s call last night for all residents to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Our real-time data analysed by experts makes it clear that vaccines are highly effective in preventing hospitalisation and death caused by severe COVID-19 illness. To save lives, to save our summer, and therefore to save jobs, we all need to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Please walk-in at your nearest vaccination site this week and help get our province moving forward again.

Source: Government of South Africa


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