Premier Alan Winde on Coronavirus Covid-19 cases and vaccines for 21 Sept

Update on the coronavirus and vaccines by Premier Alan Winde

As at 1pm on 21 September 2021, the Western Cape had 11 279 active COVID-19 infections, with a total number 516 044 COVID-19 cases to date and 485 193 recoveries.

By 5pm on 20 September 2021, the Western Cape Government had administered a cumulative total of 2 666 184 vaccines to healthcare workers, staff in the education sector and those within eligible age brackets.

The current 7-day moving average is 52 deaths per day.

Additional data is available on the Western Cape COVID-19 data dashboard which also features active cases per sub-district, active cases per 100 000 and 7-day moving averages. To view the Dashboard, visit: is external)

You can also view the Western Cape Government’s vaccine registration dashboard by visiting: is external)

Premier Winde encourages residents to stay safe as we approach the long weekend,

We will soon be enjoying the long heritage weekend, with many taking leave to travel, relax and see loved ones.

I encourage residents to be vigilant and safe over this period to ensure that it is a happy and safe one, filled with many positive memories.

You can do this by:

Getting vaccinated when it is your turn.

Drinking responsibly, should you wish to do so. Do not drink and drive.

Taking regular breaks when driving and ensuring that you are well-rested.

Wearing your mask properly, covering your nose and mouth.

Washing and sanitising your hands regularly.

Keeping your gatherings short, small and outdoors – with lots of ventilation.

Staying home if you feel sick. If you have any difficulty breathing, seek urgent medical treatment.

Let’s play our part in ensuring a safe heritage weekend.

Source: Government of South Africa

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