Premier Alan Winde and MEC Daylin Mitchell cycles to mark Mobility Month, 20 Oct


Premier & MEC Mitchell to cycle to mark Mobility Month

Put on your cycling gear, pump up those tyres. The media are invited to join Western Cape Premier Alan Winde, Mobility MEC Daylin Mitchell and Pedal Power Association SA on a cycling trip in Cape Town.
As part of Mobility Month, MEC Mitchell handed over 20 bicycles to the Ned Doman High School in Athlone this week. Now he and the Premier will themselves take to the road to promote cycling, not only as a means of transport but also a way to stay fit in the process.
By enabling a safe cycling culture in the Western Cape we can address traffic congestion and offer an additional mobility option for our citizens.
Date: Thursday, 20 October 2022
Time: 12 pm to 2 pm
Venue from where we will embark: Pedal Power Association SA’s offices, 9 Hill Park Lane, Mowbray

Source: Government of South Africa


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