Popular shareholding prevents Burkina from going into debt to pay off loans

President Ibrahim Traoré has urged Burkinabè to subscribe massively to popular shareholding to finance key development sectors and prevent the country from continuing to go into debt to pay off previous debts.

“This morning, we gathered to write a new page in our history, a new page because we had been advised, but we did not listen. Others dared but we did not accompany them and we are still relaunching the machine this time”, affirmed the President of the Transition, captain Ibrahim Traoré.

According to him, this new page which is being written and which is being written must be able to remedy many problems, whether it is youth employment and even the phenomenon of terrorism.

President Ibrahim Traoré spoke on Monday, June 12, 2023 during the launch of subscription to popular shareholding in companies developed by the Agency for the Promotion of Community Entrepreneurship (APEC).

“We are here to launch all Burkinabè whether they are on the territory or in the diaspora, so that they massively subscribe to this project because the future of Burkina, let’s not dream, it will not come from elsewhere. “, he reassured.

He also invited all Burkinabè to subscribe massively to allow the creation of businesses and to appropriate them.

“I think that’s what we’re going to maintain better and that others can work on,” he continued.

For him, the economic model that has been imposed for several decades is not producing results.

“Our countries have spent the time going into debt and never again being able to finance themselves to invest in key areas, to the point that today we are taking out loans to repay loans”, lamented the head of the state.

In his opinion, there is an imbalance which has gradually led to terrorism which today, a phenomenon created, invented but which has had the support of a good part of Burkinabè, having no choice, because engaged because of poverty.

According to him, predecessors such as Joseph Ki Zerbo, Check Anta Diop, Thomas Sankara and Laurent Bado all advocated endogenous and inclusive development.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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