Polish Medical Team Offers Free Healthcare Services in Addis Ababa


ADDIS ABABA – A thirty-member medical team from Poland has landed in Addis Ababa, embarking on a ten-day mission to deliver free healthcare services to the Ethiopian population. This initiative, now in its third year, draws on the expertise of medical professionals across various specialties, including obstetrics-gynecology, neurology, neurosurgery, and anesthesiology. The team’s objective is to extend critical medical care to those in need, leveraging their skills and knowledge for the betterment of the local community.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the Polish medical team plans to offer their services at several locations throughout the city, including Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital and Armed Forces Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. Additionally, part of the team will make a journey to Arba Minch to widen their reach. This annual mission underscores the commitment of the Polish medical community to support health and wellness in Ethiopia, providing a much-needed boost to local healthcare provision.