Police arrest several suspects on drugs charges

The abuse of illegal drugs is one of the root causes of violent crimes in this province. Members attached to Operation Restore had been lauded for their efforts to eradicate the prevalence thereof by taking illegal drugs off the streets.

On 13 September 2023, upon receiving information from a reliable source, members of Operation Restore proceeded to a premises in Main Road Delft. As the members entered the premises, they found a plastic bucket was found filled with dagga in the kitchen. A 34-year-old suspect was arrested and detained at Delft. Once charged, he will appear in the Bellville Magistrates court on the mentioned charges.

At about 22:10 the police members arrested a 24-year-old suspect at a premises at David Atkins Road, Charlesville, Bishop Lavis on charges of dealing in drugs. Members followed up on information that drugs are being stored at the mentioned address and found, 15 sachets of tik, 11 sachets of dagga, six and a quarter mandrax tablets.

At 22:20 members arrested a 32-year-old suspect at Sonny Leon Street, Charlesville, Bishop Lavis on a charge of dealing in drugs after the members found and confiscated 12 mandrax tablets, seven sachets of tik, six dagga sachets, one plastic containing loose dagga, one scale and one brown pouch.

The drugs were handed in as exhibits and the suspects are due to appear in the Bishop Lavis Magistrates court once charged.

The members attached to Operation Restore deployed in Khayelitsha Lingelethu West pursued information indicating that a person of interest suspecting of dealing in dagga was seen constantly roaming Elitha Park, Khayelitsha location. Members proceeded to the identified address and on arrival at the premises a female that were present, extremely shocked with the presence of Police members, gave consent for the entire premises to be searched. The members commitment were rewarded when they confiscated ten parcels of dagga, one scale white in colour and seized an undisclosed amount of cash that is believed to be the proceeds of crime. The 34-year-old female was arrested on a charge of dealing in dagga and detained at Harare SAPS. Exhibits were booked in as evidence.

Members also followed up on information received from the source about dagga being kept at a premises at C Block location in Khayelitsha. The members convened, operationalised the information where after they proceeded to the mentioned location and upon arrival at the identified address met the identified female suspect that matched the description that was given. Their persistence yielded successful outcome when members apprehended the suspect in the act as he was sealing 34 parcels of dagga weighing 34.9 kg. A 23-year-old female suspect were immediately arrested on charges of dealing in dagga and detained at Harare SAPS.

Once charged the suspects are scheduled to appear in the Khayelitsha Magistrates court on the mentioned charges.

Meanwhile members of Harare SAPS were busy with patrols in Nkanini, when they were stopped and informed by a member of the public about a suspicious parcel which was dropped by an unknown person who ran away after seeing the police vehicle. Upon opening the plastic bags, they noticed that it was a firearm that was wrapped. The members handed the firearm in as exhibit and opened an enquiry for the abandoned firearm. No arrests have been made.

Source: South Africa Police Service

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