Pô District Health Council: activities under the microscope

The members of the health council of the Sanitaire district of Pô (CSD) held their first session of the district health council, on April 11, 2023. It is the high commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Auguste Kinda, who chaired the work.

According to the High Commissioner of Nahouri, president of the health council, Auguste Kinda, this framework for consultation and coordination of district activities constitutes a body for examining the health problems of the district and making recommendations. He invited the participants to make this framework a tool for implementing the activities of the Pô health district.

According to the head doctor of the Pô health district, Dr Daouda Bamba, this session aims to improve the health of the populations on the one hand and on the other hand to assess the level of implementation of the recommendations of the last health council of the district (CSD).

For more than three hours, the participants discussed the epidemiological situation, performance indicators, assessment of free healthcare, support from partners and local authorities for the strengthening of community health posts (PSC) and the difficulties encountered by health facilities.

From all these points, there are satisfactory results despite some difficulties encountered, noted the participants.

Of these difficulties, it should be noted, among other things, the non-transfer in time of the costs related to free care. These delays cause enormous operational difficulties for almost all of the CSPSs, which are no longer able to offer the most basic products to their populations. For example, the head doctor of the Pô health district indicated that for the year 2022, the district received for the three quarters an amount of 309,579,190 FCFA.

The medical center with surgical branch (CMA) and the 32 health and social promotion centers (CSPS) in the district received an amount of 177,158,379 FCFA and the Shalom private clinic 132,420. 811 FCFA or 43% of the total amount.

The transfer for the fourth quarter of 2022 still pending as of March 30, 2023 while the private (Shalom) has received its transfer.

At the end of this day, the participants who said they were satisfied with the results obtained made recommendations for the opening of a blood bank in the center-south region, the assignment of a doctor radiologist at the CMA de Pô, informing and raising awareness of the actors on the directives of free healthcare and finally the renewal of the COGES at the end of their mandate

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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