Pauline Yaméogo/Kaboré Elected President of LIDICOM, Emphasizes Training and Experience Sharing

Ouagadougou – Pauline Kaboré married Yaméogo, the newly elected president of the League of Directors, Advisors, Communication, and Marketing Officers (LIDICOM), announced on Friday her plans to focus her mandate on training and sharing experiences.

According to Burkina Information Agency, this initiative aims to promote excellence in communication management within both public and private institutions in Burkina Faso.

During the official installation ceremony of the new 10-member LIDICOM office in Ouagadougou, presided over by the Minister of Communication, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, Ms. Yaméogo recognized the efforts of the outgoing office in laying the foundations of LIDICOM amidst the country’s challenging security and humanitarian crisis. She emphasized the importance of continuing this work and strengthening LIDICOM’s institutional presence.

Ms. Yaméogo outlined her vision for LIDICOM, expressing her intent to enhance its visibility and establish it as a key player among professional communication organizations in Burkina Faso. She also highlighted the role of effective communication in unifying the country, particularly during its current security crisis, and expressed the association’s commitment to contributing positively to this effort.

Among her goals, Pauline Kaboré, wife of Yaméogo, aspires to establish a communications center and secure a dedicated budget line at the ministry level for training communicators by the end of her mandate. In response, Minister Jean Emmanuel acknowledged these concerns and promised to consider them for potential solutions.

Mr. Ouédraogo commended the communicators for their role in national development and expressed the government’s readiness to support their endeavors. LIDICOM, an apolitical association founded in 2018, strives to advance excellence in communication management for the development of Burkina Faso.

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