Passoré: Youth movements mark their support for the draft revision of the constitution

The Northern Patriots Movement (MPN), Passoré section, organized last Friday in Yako, a large mobilization to support the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

At the call of the general mobilization of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in support of the Transition authorities organized throughout the country this Friday, the Northern Patriots Movement (MPN) of the Passoré section and the associative structures young traders from the locality invaded some streets of the town of Naba-Djiguèmdé de Yako early in the morning to say YES to any project to change the Constitution.

On the placards in their hands as well as the t-shirts worn by the marchers, we could read: ‘Le Passoré is for the change of the Constitution’, ‘Ibrahim Traoré, the strongest man in Africa’, ‘Yako says YES to a change of Constitution’, ‘No to imperialism’.

Through this march, which was intended to be peaceful, the patriots of the North of the Passoré section say they express their full support for the vision of the Tr
ansition authorities.

In its route, the crowd walked more than four kilometers in 2 hours to pay vibrant tribute to the FDS and VDP on a mission to reconquer territory in the locality, singing the anthem of victory through punctual stops in the various FDS and VDP positions in the city.

‘We want, through this great mobilization, to celebrate the bravery of the fighting forces and urge them to continue their fight to liberate the national territory,’ said the Secretary General of the MPN/Passoré, Baba Ouédraogo.

By abandoning their commercial activities for the occasion, the merchant associations who came to support the Movement considered that only a new Constitution can fit with the current realities of the country.

Hence, according to them, a call to the authorities to abandon the ‘old’ and ‘imported’ constitution, conforming to that of the colonizer with a dominating character.

‘We, the youth of Passoré, tell Captain Traoré to continue his fight to reconquer the territory. We do not want an imperialis
t plan,’ insisted the Secretary General of the movement.

Very satisfied with Yako’s mobilization, the Northern Patriots movement of the Passoré section called on its young comrades as well as all social strata of Passoré to mobilize more to, it says, put everything out of harm’s way. plotter who would dare a possible coup d’état in the land of honest men.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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