Passoré: The High Commissioner prohibits the collection of aggregates along the road network


In a press release dated Tuesday, July 11, 2023, received by the AIB, the High Commissioner of the province of Passoré, Laurent K. Kontogom announces the ban “on the collection of aggregates along the provincial road network which includes national, regional and departmental roads as well as rural tracks”.

“The High Commissioner of the province of Passoré (…) has the honor to bring to the attention of the populations (…) the present measure prohibiting the collection of aggregates along the provincial road network which includes national, regional roads and departmental roads as well as rural roads”, reads the administrative press release sent to the AIB.

The authority specifies in the press release that “to ensure the effectiveness of the observation of this ban, unannounced checks will take place and any apprehended offender will be subject to the sanctions provided for by the texts in force”.

The press release comes following the finding “that people are engaged in the collection and collection of sand and laterite along the road sections of the classified network of the province”, notes the High Commissioner.

Its objective is to put an end to “these bad practices” which accelerate “the degradation of our road heritage”.

Also, the High Commissioner invites “the populations to respect this ban and to the citizen watch for the preservation of the integrity of these road infrastructures which constitute a common heritage”.

Source: Burkina Information Agency