Passoré Association Gathers Community Input for Sahel Project

PASSORÉ — The Rural World Association (AMR), supported by the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS), conducted a workshop from August 19 to 23, 2024, in Yako, to summarize and address the concerns of communities benefiting from the project in the Northern region of Burkina Faso.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the speaker at the meeting, the gathering aimed to consolidate feedback from community consultations involving the Presidents of the special delegations (PDS) from nine beneficiary municipalities. The discussions provided a platform to articulate the specific needs and priorities of the populations from Titao, Ouindigui, Barga, Thiou, Namissiguima, Ouahigouya, Gourcy, Arbollé, and Yako. These municipalities shared their unique challenges and requirements in alignment with World Bank-supported activities.

The workshop focused on several key areas, including the reformulation of activities eligible for World Bank funding, site identification for project implementation, and specifying beneficiary numbers and equipment needs. Specific needs varied by municipality, with some focusing on school and healthcare facility upgrades, while others prioritized infrastructure such as boreholes.

The meeting concluded with a set of reformulated recommendations from community participants and regional project representatives. These recommendations emphasized consulting with technical services on environmental, agricultural, and humanitarian issues to refine annual municipal investment plans. Furthermore, there was a strong call to prioritize the provision of livestock and poultry to community groups and ensure the availability of project sites.

Polycarpe Naré, the regional head of the PCRSS du Nord, and Amadou Wangré, the national coordinator of the AMR, expressed satisfaction with the workshop’s outcomes and urged participants to apply the insights gained to enhance project implementation effectively.

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