Passoré: Active forces reflect on the new reforms of the Transitional government

The living forces of the province of Passoré, in the North region, discussed Thursday in Yako, on the political, administrative and institutional reforms proposed by the Transition government. This day of discussions was chaired by the High Commissioner, Koutougou Laurent Kontogom.

On the initiative of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), the social strata of the province of Passoré (North) began this Thursday, June 8, 2023 in Yako, the days of direct exchanges on political, administrative and institutional reforms. drawn up by the government of the Transition.

According to the high commissioner of the province of Passoré, Koutougou Laurent Kontogom, these 48-hour exchanges should lead to proposals other than those listed by the authorities of the Transition.

Mr. Kontogom also, in his opening message, invited the participants to free and open exchanges so that these days of consultation are a success.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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